The idea for the book was born out of the inuence and questions from my team. While I am writing
this book, my role is to inspire, motivate and guide over 3,000 employees in a multinational
organization. I do that as a Senior Director of Customer Support and through hosting Open Door’s, I
frequently get asked the questions of how to achieve work life balance, how to stay positive when
faced with setbacks and how I seem to remain positive all the time. It made me realize that so many
people are seeking answers and that I have experience, tools, and theories that I could share with
them, so they can start their own journey to understand happiness and how to cultivate it within their
own lives.
In a world where stress, anxiety, mental health, and dissatisfaction are all too common, I believe that
understanding and cultivating happiness is not just a luxury, but a necessity. It is a tool that can help us
navigate the complexities of life, nd fullment, and create a positive impact on the world around us.
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